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Virtual Assistant

Connected tablet or smartphone allowing the person to respond vocally to structured follow-up protocols built and executed by our Virtuose Dialogues solution.

Personalized and automated follow-ups based on individual needs, for optimized home care services, in facilities, or requiring the participation of family members or third parties

The virtual assistant allows the patient to respond vocally or in writing to structured follow-up questionnaires configurable in the Virtuose Dialogues tool, using various capture methods, including tablets or smartphones.

Optimization of interactions with the patient

Avoids the travel of healthcare staff and enables continuous and rigorous clinical monitoring to prevent hospitalizations.

Self-care management

Sending voice and text reminders to maximize patient participation, contributing to self-management of care. Example: 'You forgot to take your medication at dinner.'


Enables secure video conferencing between the caregiver and the patient for remote diagnostics.

At home, the Virtuose Virtual Assistant module allows the recording of voice notes by healthcare staff and their automatic transcription into handwritten format.

Finally, the Virtuose Virtual Assistant module, through simple and automated dialogues, ensures continuous follow-up and interaction with the patient, regardless of their location.



Use of a connected tablet or smartphone to support staff during intentional rounds (a best practice of Accreditation Canada).

The Virtuose Impact

Reinventing home healthcare services

The Virtuose platform transforms home healthcare through an innovative telemonitoring solution. By integrating cutting-edge technologies into nursing care, we eliminate several geographical and temporal constraints, providing unparalleled clinical monitoring while strengthening collaboration among healthcare staff, caregivers, and patients.

Efficient Utilization of Resources

Optimization of workflow processes to increase the efficiency and productivity of healthcare staff, thereby freeing up valuable resources.

Improvement of care quality and patient safety

Continuous clinical monitoring, reducing hospitalizations, securing the user, and ensuring optimal continuity of care.

Active involvement of patients and their loved ones

Direct involvement of patients, their families, and caregivers enabling secure, efficient, and transparent communication, as well as the management of key actions.

Self-management of care
Encouragement of self-management of care, providing patients with the means to take charge of their health on a daily basis.
Reinforcement of the sense of security
Creation of a secure home environment that reduces social isolation and promotes the overall well-being of the patient.
Reduction of hospitalizations
Early intervention through continuous monitoring, minimizing complications and reducing the risks, and consequently the number of hospitalizations.

Some of our ongoing developments

  • Detection of distress in the patient's voice
  • Detection of emergency situations in responses
  • Interpretation of ambient sounds
  • Home automation – Accommodation
  • Assisted report generation during intentional rounds
  • Assistance in teleconsultation with the patient
  • Generation of trend analysis reports applied to the patient's case
  • Analysis of wound healing status from a photograph

Virtuose Technologies' healthcare solutions support you in the digital transformation of your organization

Integrate our innovative and secure solutions that will contribute to optimizing the use of your resources for the well-being of the patient.