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Allows centralization of information on a single platform (dashboard), facilitating the consultation of information and access to a comprehensive clinical profile of the patient.

Centralized information for optimized care

The Virtuose Console centralizes patient information, consolidates it, analyzes it, applies thresholds, and deduces correlations to continuously monitor patients or at key moments.

Console et Données -EN
Integrated view of the record and unified communications

Facilitates collaboration, access to information, and care through a single management console that supports all communication streams from various third-party systems and connected devices.

Alerts, notifications, and transfer of relevant information

Analyzes data and translates it into alerts, actions, notifications, or information to be added to the record, gathered from various connected devices and other relevant sources.

Interoperability and Integration

Receives, integrates, and distributes information from connected devices or third-party systems, regardless of the provider.

Analysis and consultation of data

Analyzes data collected from various connected devices, displays alerts (Clinical Intelligence), generates actions or information to be added to the individual's record.

Allows real-time data consultation.

The Virtuose Impact

Reinventing home healthcare and outpatient services

The Virtuose platform redefines home healthcare and outpatient services through an innovative, intuitive, and secure telemonitoring solution. By integrating cutting-edge technologies into nursing care, we eliminate geographical and temporal constraints, providing unparalleled clinical monitoring while strengthening collaboration among medical staff, caregivers, and patients.

Efficient Utilization of Resources

Optimization of workflow processes to increase the efficiency and productivity of healthcare staff, thereby freeing up valuable resources.

Improvement of care quality and patient safety
Continuous clinical monitoring, reducing hospitalizations, securing the patient, and ensuring optimal continuity of care.
Active involvement of patients and their loved ones

Direct involvement of patients, their families, and caregivers, enabling secure, efficient, and transparent communication as well as the management of key actions.

Self-management of care

Sending voice and text reminders to maximize patient participation, contributing to self-management of care. For example: 'You forgot to take your medication at dinner.

Reinforcement of the sense of security

Significant contribution to the creation of a secure home environment that reduces social isolation by maintaining constant contact with healthcare staff and loved ones, thus promoting the overall well-being of the patient.

Reduction of hospitalizations

Continuous analysis of patient data enabling early intervention that minimizes the risks of complications, thereby reducing the number of hospitalizations.

Virtuose Technologies' healthcare solutions support you in the digital transformation of your organization

Integrate our innovative and secure solutions that will contribute to optimizing the use of your resources for the well-being of the patient.