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Virtuose Technologies Among the National Winners of the Défi Osentreprendre 2023 Challenge

Written by Virtuose Tecnologies | Jan 31, 2024 2:47:52 PM

Virtuose Technologies is very proud to be a national laureate in 2023 in the Technology and Technical Innovation category presented by Videotron Business

About the OSEntreprendre Challenge

Quebec, June 7, 2023 – With around 600 people gathered at the Palais Montcalm and hundreds more tuning in remotely from their homes or schools, the national laureates were revealed during the 25th Gala des Grands Prix Desjardins of the OSEntreprendre Challenge.

These students, scholars, school representatives, and entrepreneurs from all over Quebec trusted themselves and dared to move forward. Bold and committed, these individuals were selected from the 67,864 participants in this 25th edition!

"The success of participation in the OSEntreprendre Challenge, whose national laureates we discovered tonight, is the result of an extraordinary collective mobilization of educational and socioeconomic environments that has been supporting the evolution of the entrepreneurial spirit in Quebec for 25 years," mentioned Manon Théberge, CEO of OSEntreprendre.

In total, 33 national prizes were awarded in the categories of School, Business Creation, Success Inc., and Doing Business Together, totaling over $800,000 with the grants awarded during the regional finals of the edition.

About Virtuose Technologies

Faced with the aging population and the challenge of keeping users at home in a safe environment, Virtuose has developed four modules to achieve this goal.

The Virtuose Virtual Assistant module uses a voice assistant to communicate with the user through structured clinical questionnaires from the Virtuose Dialogues module. Clinical dialogues, associated with Quebec best practices, were designed in collaboration with Mr. Philippe Voyer. The solution also integrates various connected objects from the organization and produces alerts in a single console, taking into account the user's different clinical parameters through algorithms (watch, scale, virtual pillbox, fall detector, etc.). Virtuose Console alerts staff in a timely manner and allows them to act upstream of hospitalization or an emergency visit (clinical intelligence). Virtuose Proximity also involves including the caregiver in the user's support process through business intelligence algorithms.

Discover the national laureates